1kat"Vepupoffmy.coat,&c. 2.1 7 10 _ BJ... • carry us throug.h all difcourat:Yem.ents whatfo~ S VIII ever. And further, Let us he able by {o11-nd re.~fons to 3·• jujlifie the wayes of GQd, and to anfwer cavils, to TDJia'lJe gooJ g ive account ol'whllt we doe to our [elves llndothers, 1 groudnds rand 'J . ow1 rerJ,o»r with reafons why we fan eh fie theSabbath, have ,f9rall we doe fuch Communion with God in Prayer, negkct the fafhions of the world, &c. To have rea-:- fons ready from, Scripture, is an excellent thing,whenweare able to jufrifie whatfoever we doeby theWord, againfl: all the quarrels of our owne hearts and others. When we are led eodo things onely by the. example of others, or bie ·refpeds, then we are oft times put to it on the fuddenby temptatians,being not able to jufl:ifie what we doe. Let us labour therefore to doe things upon good grounds,and be able to jufl:ifie all the wayes of Religion,as they are eafily Jufl:ified ; for nothing in this world fl:ands with fo much reafon,as exaetneiTe in the wayes of God. There is fo much reafon for nothing in the world, as to be not onely Chrifiians, but exact Chrifl:ians, as Ptzul faith to Jgrippa, 1You!Jto Aa. 1 -· 1 '· Godyou were not Almoft, but altogether-M ram} fo- ~C>ing theft bondr . To make cohfcience of all . wayes and courfes,it fi ands with themoft reafon of the world, fo to jufiifieReli~ion by reafons unanfwerable, that may fet downe corrupt nature,and fiop the mouthof the Devill himfelfe : To help on rea· A d h . 1 d r. d d ft (on,we mufl of n ere1n et us propoun 1oun an · rong tenpropound quefiions to our felves often ; are thofe things ftrong quefti• . (that I am moved to doe)good~or are they not ~ ~nlr to our . If 1 e 'l.les.