~~ [ ___ ._!_~~7J_e_ pu~off'!!! ~~a~~&_c~ ' Sa 1t. VIII. crires to make fuch or fuch aplea;th~rrfore when I men become falfe, thereby to provide for wife or children , and take corrupc cou.rfes to keep them from Religion, wirh pret,ext of their ca!– lings(leall: they fhould lofeone day in f~ven)this imploymentcannot profper,which flcighrs over I duties under falfe pretences. 0 ! rhey -can toile forthe pelfe of the world ; but for mai:ters of their foules, they turne off all fh:Jmefully, as if there were notaGodto judge them, aHeaven to reward them,or aHelt topunifh them.Will fuch excufes ferve the turne ~ 0 no,they cannot with confcience,much ldfewith God the IudgeJwho is greater then our confcience. This is another way to cut offthefe idle ·cavils, to confider ·that thefe excufes cannot fe-rve the turne, neither to comfort confcience in this world, nor to uphold us inourpleaattheday of judgement, Reinem– berthat. 4· And then againe, Let us inure our[elves to !Jeart ToimMour the JfYake ofReligirmftom our youth, which will telves to beare k . fi f' d I . 11 . ~he yoake of ' m~ -e 1~ ea 1e a cerwar s. t we:e an ex~e .em R.eltgion. thmg, tf rbofe whoare young (m the pnme of their yeares) wollld inure themfdves to rhe ex– erdfe ofReligion: thiswould makeit eafie unto them)to readtb~ word ofGod,to open their fpi– rits umohim in Prayer.It maypleafe God here– by (though they be negligent herein) yet they The Janger of may ~ecalled to Religion. But for an old man . ignorant 9td there1s much worke to doe to reade, to get any age. thing into his braine,when his memory is pelte1 red with otl~er thingss and corrupt nature in hi~ , 1S t