· lharoeputojfmycoat,&c. :Z.lt . f is armed with a world of excufes, that might Sn1..VIIIJ have been prevented byatimelyand feafonable training up in a courfe of Religion. -Prophane young perfons know not what they doe when , they put off Religion. Hav~ they excufes now, I That tbelon1,er they will have many more hereafter, whenSa1we_pur off Re- . 'll b hfi . l tg.ton, the more tan and cormpuon Wl emuc ronger. 0 et wiH b, our exthem bearetheyoakeofReligion, that is, inure cures. themfdves to duties that become Chrifiians, _ which may facilitate and make it eafie and ply– able, that it may not be barfu to out nature. Ifa man doe not heare, pray and read, hecan never ~av-e Faitb,Gr:~ce,Knowledge,Mortificatiohof cbtruption (wherein Religion fiands) but be– caufethefe lead to duties that are harp tonature, and harfu, it is wifedome to inure young·ones thereto bc:times, that having ufeG themfelves to thefe preparing duties, they may be the more .fitted for the effentiall ones. That having things in the braine by reading and hearing, Gracemay be wrought in the heart, it being a more eafie psfilage from the braine to the heart. When a man is converted, it is -an eafie matter to bring it from the braine unto the1learr, whereas a man that bath been negligent in his youth, muft then . be infi:rueted in the principles ofReligion. Ther– fore it is amiferablecafe (though men be never fo politicke in the world)to have been negligent : here.intill age-. It breeds a great deale of dHliculty to them ere they can come to be infuch ·a ftateas a CbrifiianfiJf)uld be in. Remember this therefore,to doe as P~:mladvifeth Timothy ,a yong 1 Tim.6., 1, , . ~ . m~a.n, · t