Sibbes - Houston-Packer Collection BX9339.S5 B6 1641

222. \ I~a"P~puto~my c~a~,&c.- . SE&. VIII· man, toexercifehrmfelfemGodlme)fe : Ins agood thing for all th2t are young to exercife them– felves to alllimi,es cfReligion, or elfe pretences will grow up with age,whereby they will be in– difpofed every day more then other.Experience fhewes it generally,we may beleeveit:ifwewill not,w~ !hall find it hereafter too true by woefull expenence. . ; ~ And then againe, by little and little, not only Toinure our to be inured to the yoake of Religion, bur likefelver toJifft· •r .1 d; I'C 1· , t: · . J h dlfl• · tulry andbard- Wlle to enaure t;ycu ttes, oppfjttton ana ar 'J"tp; /hip. as the Apofile ftands upon it to Timothy, To enz. Tim,l·3· dure hardjhipandafftiC!ions ftom the6eginning. If the thing be good and warrantable-, neglectthe fpeech~sof the world.What are the fpeeches of a companyof men in the fiate ofnature, in their m1ferable conditioo, to regard them f0 as not to endure hardiliip in fuch things, of the goodneffe whereofweare convinced ~ ·But in thefe dayes men take up a deHcate profeffion of Religion, ' men will be religious, but they will fuffer no– thing, not a taunt or afcoffe, they will part,with nothing, be at no Ioffe, fufferno croife,be at no paines with Religion further then may fl:and w\thall earthly contentofrhis world. This de– licate profeffion(if any thing among us) threare· t neth the removing of the Gofpell and bldfed . truths we enjoy, becau{e we will not part with any pleafure now. Howwill they fuffer affiieti– ons for the Gofpell(iffuch times come) that will\ not part wiJh a vaine oath, a corrupt fafhion of life,a fuperfluiry, that will not part with a rotten . . . un-1