Sibbes - Houston-Packer Collection BX9339.S5 B6 1641

Jha~eput offmycoat)&c. unfavoury difcourfe, which difcovereth a rotren Spirit,and infc:Ctcth others. Here is a profeffion of Religion indeed, that cannot have fo much mafiery oft he corrupt heart,as to deny and overcome it felfe in th_ings,~hatare groffe.Iy ilJ. tfo~ will a man part wnh lus bloud and bfe", that wtll not part with things that he fl10ulq part withall, not onely with fomething to the pQore, and ro good ufes,~ur to part with fome finft1p courfeof Efe and wtcked and ungodly lufis that fight againfl the foule, who will not endure not fo much as achecke,who rather then they will goe under that cenfure wherewith the world is pleafed to dirgrace Religion, they will live and die like Atheifis. This extreame tenderndfe in the matters ofGod and offalvation,is the caufe why 2 2) -\ I SER..VIII. , many eternally peri{h. Againe,to cut off all vaine excufes, Let UJ oft Tore:e~ber htt!'Ve in thought of our heart what wejhoN!d lie, and what we./fmtlJ what rve foould all aime at, and howfar we come aU allbe,and~Dhat fh f . A Ch . rl.. h h ..f d f h. we fb6ulrJ all ort o tt. rtitlant at opes o goo · o · IS aime at. Religion,fhould live'by faith, and depend upon God in the ufeoflawfull meanes. Ifhe be as he iliould be,he oughtto walkewith God~ keep his watch with him , afld doe nothing unbe– feeming the eye of God. When his corruption drawes him to becareleffe, then he is nor as he fhould be; for in a right temper he ought to be fitted to every goqd worke, ready for all 0ppor– tunities of doing any thing that is good ; becaufe ·the time of this life is the feeds-time, the time of doing good, the time of reaping is in the world to