114 I I ha"Ve put ~ffmy. coat,&c.· ' SBR.Vllr.·to come; when therefore the heart isfl1ut,when any opportunity is offered ofdoiog good,hemay conclude certainly, Iamcold and dulJ, pretend . what I will,I am not as I fhould be.t.AChrijlian 1 Cor.q·.1 g·~~~ ought toahormdinthe worke of .the Lord, efpedally baying fuch abundance of encouragements as we have.What aworld of encouragements hath aChrill:ian~thereare nonetothofe of Religion, from the inward content that it brings here at the houre ofdeath,and in glory hereafter.When we are drawnetobe fcanty, niggardly, andbafe to thingsthat are good, furel y this is not as it fhould be, pretend what we will to the contrary_, thi3 is af:1ult. A Chrifiian flJOuldat all times be .fie to yeeld and to render up his foute unto God, becaufe our life is uncertaine. \iVhen therefore weare moved by corruption to live in a fiate that we cannot abide to die in, becaHfe we are unqer the guilt offome finnejthen certainly pre– tend what we wil1, our lhte is fo farre naught, as farre as rhere is unfirnelfe and unwillingpeffe to die.Let us have in the eye ofour fouletherefore, what a Chrifrian lhouldDe, aime at it,and thinke that when we ll:op at a lower meafure and pitch ; rhat (pretend what we will) all is but from car· nail wit and policy, the greatefr enemy that Re- · ligion bath. , We pray in the Lords Prayer, Thy Kingdome come, thy wi11 6e done in ettrth as it is in Heaven, 1 great defires, and which ilwuld be the de.fires of Iall our hearts. But herein we play the Hypod 1 1 1 crites_.whilell: wepray thus, that the Kingdomeof God( -------------------------------------