I ba11e put offmy coat,&c.. Godmay·come, that Chrifi may rule inour hearts S :a R.VIII. over lufisand de fires ; yet notwithfianding we.. pretend this and that excufe, whereby we may · · be led with this and that lull:, we croife our own prayers j retitili~weth whatyirch we iliould afpire t~, ~o(anlfijie the.Lor~ tn ~~' hearts, todelight mh1m, and trufi: mh1m ·a oveall. When we doenot this, we fall fhort o our owne prayers. And when we cannot bring0ur hearts to fuffer,andco do what Godwould haveus to do,but are le~ awaywithour owne wils , we are not as we{hould be;our wils fbould be conformable to Chrifis in~u things ; it is our prayer,and therefore we ilionld ayme at it. Nowwh~n flcfb and bloud fers up a pitch of Religion, I am well enough, and yet prayes, HaUowed be thy Name~ Thy Kingdome, come, Thy will hedone,&c. Such a man is anhypocrire;for his prayer l~ad5 Urn fur- , ther and further fiill till he come to Heaven, :where is all pr.rfc:Clion, uAtill when, oin life is a' life ofef.ldeavour and pro~rdfe. Though we be never fo perfu~l', yet Chdfi may more rule and fet up his Kirg9omeyet more in the heart, and · fnrther bringo~r will to his in all things : when fkfh and bloud (etsup cavils againft this.)weplay the hypocrites with God and cro1fe our [elves. Therefore let ns' jufiifie a meafur~ of Religion beyond our prefe~1tpitch whatfoever it is, jufi ifie it more and rpore fiil1. Thinke we are neveras we fbould be till we be in Heaven, and never ·bldfe our felves, but thinke that we fhould al.. wayes be on t_he growing hand, and whatfoever Q_ exc-ufe.