----------------,-----r ' tttttttlltt ~!2~~2Sf2~tt~l2~~ *~ff2~ ~ff~~~~~~w~~~~~ SERMON I. CANT. V.I. I amcomeinto.my Garden, my Sifter,my Spou(e, I haveeatenmy hony-combewithmy hony: I have 'drunke my wine with my milke ; Eat 0 .friends, :f!rinke,yead.,·inke abundantly,ohcloved! 1 Ther bookes ofSolomon lie lnt'roduaion. more obvious and open ro common underfianding;bur as none entred into theHoly ofHolies,buttheHighPrieft, Levir.; ·!o none can enter into the myfiery of this Song of Songs , but fuch as have more near Communion with chriff. Songs ,and I efpecially .uuarriage.Songs ~ ferve to exprefie - 1 mens owne !oyes , and others praifes. So this Booke containes The mutual/ !oyes, and mutual/ Praifls betwixt I chrifl andhis church. . And as chriftand his church are the greatefi ) perfons that partake ofhumane nature,fo what- [ ·~ B foever --------------- _,_._, ..