I harve putoffmycoat,&c. SE a.. VIII. And to this end beg ofGod his Spirit, which - · is above all impediments. The more Spirit, the m0re ,firength and courage againfl: impedi~ ments. Themore we a~tendupon holymeanes, the more fpirituall and hea~enly ligblt and life · is fet up in the foul e. The rr'tore fpirituall wee are, the more we fhall tread under foot allthofe things that fland between os and·Heaven. Let us therefore labour more and more for theSpi– rit, and then wee iluJJ offer an holy violence unro good things ; as it was faid of IalmBapM.tt.li. u.. tijlstime, The Kingdome ofGod fuffered violence, men were fo eager of it, as that .d1ey furpri– zed it as a Cafile, by violence. There isnoway to take Heaven but !Jy offering violence- to dtf– couragemcnt, corruption, and whtttfoeverJlandrin the way, The violent onely .takes Heaven hyforce. Now when wear~ fpirituaU, we fluUnoc pre– cend, Thttt there is a Lyon in the way,thatthere are difficulties, as rhe fluggard cloth, thatthinks himfelfe wifer then many men who can ren der a reafon ; but wee fhall goe boldly and couragioufly on. ; and know that there are more encouragements for good , and firon- . ger, then ·the world hath alluremeors te bee na ~1 ght, which 2re but for the prefenr life ;'but wee have inward ones, which will hold out in the houre of death and after. Therefore, goe on boldly and ·refolmely in good things, alwayes rernembringro 'beg the Spirit of God., · that may arme our fpirits with invincible cou– rage. Now ._____ ----+----·- ----------- ,_