I ha"Pe put offmy coat,&c.. Now the Spirit of God brings Faith with it, which is a conq1:1ering vidorious graceover the world, and fees him that is inrviji6le; which brings love alfo, which i5 ftrong tU d~ath , wherewith tht fonle being warme-d, It conraineth us to doe duties in fpight ofall impe– diments; the Spirit of Godw1ll fire,ngtllen our hope alfo of HeavetJ, which firengthens us a• gainft all difcouragemenrs which fiand in our , way : For thu hope u 011 greater ttnd hetttr grounds then difcouragements are ; and hee that giveth us this hope, will inable us to poffeffe it. Therefore Jabour firfi, to have acleare un– derjlanding of the things of God, ana ofthe ex.. · ce/lency of them, for light will caufe heate. Why did tht Kingdome of Heaven ·in John Baptifls time fujfer violence ? why were men then fo violent to cleave unto Cbrifi '! becaufe from that time the Gojjell1v45 more clearly manifejltd. And heavenly truths the more they are dif· covered and Jayd open (there is fuch an ex– cellency in them) the tnore they worke upe on the heart and affecrions. Therefore, The Kingdome of Heaven fojfired violence. And where are people more earndl: after good things, then in thefe places where the Evan– gelicall Truths 'of God are Iayd open moll:, there they breake through all difcouragements whatfoever. And fo,La!Jour for Faith to 6eleeve thofl tmths, which is the mofi victorious and conquering 219 1 SER.VIII. Heb. 1 t.2.7. Cam. 8.6, Q .3 Grace, , ._,_____---=---· ---==~--------:. ____