-------- ~~----------------------- -----~ .1 ha')~ put offm,eoat,&c, 131 .. in all times thrc~gh the pikes of all difcourage- S BR. VIII. mmts ? The Spirit of God, by the Spirit of . love, from a Spirit of Faith, and heavenly conviCtion of the excellency and truth of the things : th~y faw fuch a light which wrought upon their affcdions , and_'arried th~m amaine againft the ftreame ( contrary to the ftreame of the times wherein they lived) that the worfe the times were, the better they were. And let us confidet• againe, 'Th~tt. Chrift will not he alwayes thU5 alluring ft6' , that we~ 1hall not alwayes have thefe encouragements, fuGh truthsand motions of Gods Spirit, as perhaps we feele now. Therefore when we feele any good motion ft:irred up toward Chrift, eaterraine it J:'refently, haply we fhall never heare of it againe, the longer we deferre and put it off , the worfe. As a man that is rowing in a boat , let him negleCt hi~ fi:roake, the negled ingof one may make him tug at it five or fix times afcer to overtake thofe that are before him. So nothing is gotten by floath andnegligence, wee doe but call: our felvs backe the more. · ~· 'rhe fbortneffi of enj oying tbe[e belpt . And Ict DS helpe our r~Ives with f~tting the ! I~· Gloty to ·come before our eyes' with ~Uf;to(is ! By (ett ngtbe · to have aPatriarb eye to him th~tt is invijible, I ~!;?:/~~ome to fee A Countrey afarrc off. Now, we are nearer Heb. 11 • {Alvation, then when, we helcevr", lee us helpour backward foules thts way ; that fo) having am , Glory in our eyes, ic may heJp us to goethrough 1 Q_4 all ! ----