.1hatVeputoffmycottt,&c. SElt. VIII. all difcotlragements \Vhatfoever they be. We ,, · · knowZaccheus, when he was.afraid that hee fhould not f~c Chrift t went before the mu!. titude, ~nd getting up upon the top .ofaTree, thus helps himfdfe : So doth Grace hdpe it felfe by Glory. And fo farre is Grace from objecting and pretending lets, as it makes [up– plies in Gods fervice ; as David, who in this cafe was pleafed to be accounted vile. Let us looke unro the Recompence of the reward, not to the prefent difcouragemenrs, bQt to the prize at the end of the race. What ·makes a foulditr to fight hard for the vi6tory in the end ~ The fweetndfe of the triumph. What makes a Husband~an goe through all diicou– ragements ~ he hopes to receive acrop in the end. Confider th~ iffue which followeth after a confcionable , carefull, and Chrifiian life , after a more neare and perfe& walking with God, maintaining Communion with him. Let there be what difcouragements there will be Pf1l.37. in the world, The end thereofis peace, The end of that man is peAce. Upon this ground, the 1 Cor. rr.5s. Apofile exhorts us, to he fraitfull, and ahtt-n- I dam in the worke of th~ Lord .i knowing thatybur l · ,labour u not invaine in the Lord. --·-------~-------....,...._ ____