Sibbes - Houston-Packer Collection BX9339.S5 B6 1641

I 234 Sa a. IX. Vc:r.4. Ver.5. Ver,6. 0/Jforv. r. --=----;---:-B_ut~my Belo'Veti . l ~:vy Belovedput inh.u handkY the hole ofthedoore, 11ndmy 6owels werem~vedfor him. I roft to operi'tiJmy Belove~ andmy hands drop– pedwith myrrh~ . nnd myfingers withfweet [melting myrrhupon the handles of the locke. I ro[e,to open tomy Beloved, lmt my Belovedhad withdrawne himftlfi,&c. This comes ofher lluggifhnelfe, and drowfi- . nelfe, that Chrift abfemed and wirhdrew him– felfe. There are three rhjngs here fer: downe in · thefe verfes now read: · I. chrifts withdrawing of him[elfi. 2. H u gratious dealing having withdrawn him. ftlfo. . He doth not airogether leave his Church, but puts hu fnger into tlie h4leof thed1ore, and cben leaves fome fweerndle behind him before he goes. Afcerwhichisfetdowne, · 3· The .focceffi of Chrifls dtpartun, andwith– drawing ofbimfelfi from her. 1 • Her6owels .weremovedin her, whic:h were hardbefore. 2. Sherofe upot~t of her 6ed, wbereinformer1y fhe had franl'ed, and eompofed her feife to refl. 3. She (eeks,andcals afier him. But theDoctrinall points,whiehare to be ob– fervedoucofthefe verfes,are thefe: 1 • That chrift doth fometimes ufe to leave hu ehildrm,as he did the Churcahere. 2 . That the c4Ufei4 ftomthe(hurchher fe/fi, as ' O/J.[trv,,; we feehow unkmdly !he had ufed Chrift, to let 1 J--~---------=----------------~__ h__ im1