. bad '59ithdrawnebimftlfe. him attend ourleifure fo long; therefore he-ta- Sa tt.IX. king aholyftate upon him, leaves the Church. ·The dufe of his forfaking us,is in ourfclves,we may rhanke our felves fo! ic. . . 3· That though Chrtft deale thus With us, 0/;flrv.J. yet notwithilanding, he. neve~ leaves tU wholly, without.(ome footfleps ofhu (avmg grace,andever- I laJfing love, Jome remait~ders andprints hsleavcs upon the foule : So as it lingers afrer him, and never reftsrill it findhim, he alwayes leaves famething.There is nevera totall defertion; as we fee here in Chrifts dealing, heputs bii finger intothe hole6fthedo~re, he il:ands :at the doore,and leaves myrrh behind ·-him, f0mething in the heart that caufeth a lingering, and reftletfeaffeCtion inher towards Chrifi. / 4· That the church hy reafon ofthu graciDp!. Ob[erv,4,' dealing of (hrifl (leaving fomewhttt behindhim) u finjible of her former unkindnejfe , is rejftejfe and Jlirs up her felft to endeavour moreand more,ti!l fl?e ! .have recovered her former communion, and fweet fellowjlJip with chrift, which foe httdbefore. She ' never gives over till Chrif1 and fhee meet a– gaine in peace ( as we fhall fee in the profe– .cution ) Thefe be the chiefe points confide– l rabte: I FidtChrifl doth uftfomtimGsto letwehi! church_, 0/lforv.I. as here hedoth,My Beloved badwithdrttwne himIJelfe,&c. · But what kindof leaving is it~ \V~e mufi. difl:ingui_ili of Chrifis leavings, and wtthdrawtogs of htmfelfe: They are eith~r " 10