Sibbes - Houston-Packer Collection BX9339.S5 B6 1641

had withdrawne him[e/ft•. It is trueefthe feverall memberslandefpecially SaP..IX. of the moft eminent members, as we fee holy roh complaines)as ifGodhadJet him (as it were) lob 7.1.. abutt1 jhoot at , and had.oppofedhimfelfeagainfi him.SoDavidcomp1ames( 1. Pjal.77. 9 .andP(al.6o.t. and in other Pfalmes) 'of Gods anger_.c~rretlme not in thine anger. ThePfalmes are full of this, fo as it would be time unprofitably fp~nt to be large in apoin_t fo cleare,that every one knowr:th-wellenough, whoreadsaod.underfiands the Pfalmes. So Ionah likewife felt a Iollah :.,.f>~· kind of forfoking , when he was in the milifr of j the fea, when the 'r:~aves were without, and ter. _ 1 rors within, when he was in themidfr of Hell 1 (as it were) Thus you fee the inftancescleare t-he point. · . The ends that God bath in it are many,Firfr, . ~~ To indeare his prefence the more to r,u~ which we t'om-/~Qrefor~ 11 • h d h b c I · . m.erjltgbted 11etg te toe muc · e1ore. t lS our corruption, preftnce. the not valuing of things .till they be gone, \Ve fet not th~ true price upon them when weenjoy them. Whenweenjoygood things,we lookeat · j the grievanct;s which are mingled with th~ good,and forget the good,whichwhenitisgone then wee remember the good. The IfrAelites N b · could remember their onyons and garlicke, and um ' 1 ~·f· forget their {lavery: Sobecau[eMann4 was pre-. fCnt, they defpifed Manna and that upon~nein– convenience it had, It w.u erdinary with them. Thus the cprrupt heart of man is prone in the enjoying of favours : 1f it haveanygrievance,ir murmures at' that , and it troubles and makes them __________________.-.-._________ --~----