Sibbes - Houston-Packer Collection BX9339.S5 B6 1641

But my Belo'Ved Sal\. IX. them forget all the goodndfe and fweetndfe of what they enjoy. But on the contrary, when God withdrawes thofe good things from us, then weforget thofe formerinconveniences,and beg·in to thinke what good we had by them. This is "the poyfon and corruption of our Na. ture. 2: Again ,(hri.ft (eems to forfake m,totry th~ truth Totryrbe truth o~' the trraces a,fJda ffeciions in tJO whetherthey be of our graces j 'J ~ 'JJ ' ' • and affeflions. true or not, and ro caure us to make after hs.m) 3: 1'o teach u. wi(domehow to deatewitb otbeN. :z. Cor,1.4, when he feems to for fake ·us,as undoubtedly we lhall,where there is truth of grace planted in the heart inanymeafure. And In regard ofothers~ he Joth it to teach m heavenly wifdome how to deale with th1(e in II_{Jlicli– on: It makes us wife, tender., and fuccelfefull in dealing with others, when we have felt the like particular grievance our felves~ as Gal.6. 1. Bre. thren if aman he overtaken in a fimlt, youtht~t Are Jjiritua!l rej!1re foch ttn one in the Jjirit of meek· neffi,conjidering thy ftlft, let~ft thou 6e tempted. Experience of fpirituall griefe in this kind, will make us fir, able and ~ife every way todeale with others. + This ferves likewife, To wettne tu ftom the ~0 w~ne~~lJ. world, in theplenty and a!Jundanee of all earthly om 1 e 0 things:For take a Chrifiian that hath no croffein theworld, . let him finde fome eftrangernent o · Chrifi from his fpi"rit, that he finds not the com– forts of the Holy-Ghoft, and that inlargement . which ia former times be enjoyed, and all rhe wealrh he hath,the eal'thly contemments h~ en1 • ~al