· 06jirv.2. Qaufts of Je– fortion in our (elves. I. 2, 6. . 1· I openedtomy Belo "Ped~&c, i the coherence,fh:: had turned offChrHl with ex-1 cufes, prerences, and delatory anfwers, and now prefemly upon it Chrifr forfakes her in regard , of her feeling, and ofrhe fweet comfot:t the for- . merly enjoyed.The point is, · , That the CAu[e rejls in our folves why Chrijl'with·~ drawes comfort f.olffour foules. Ifwe fearch our owoe hearts we fllJI1 fi:1d it [o; and ufually rhe catifes in our felves arethefe,. as it was in the Church here. I. When we 4rt un·– kind to chr'ifl,and repell the fweet motions ofthe Spirit. 2. When weimpt'overJot.the preciotumeans of faiv,-ztion that we enjoy. 3. When we are careleffij ofottrcon·verfation andtompany. 4• When we lin– ger after carn_aUli6ertie~ 1ndeafe. 5.When weyeeld ll tocarna!lpoltcy,and fl11frsto keepusofffromrhe power of Religion, to goe on in a lukewarme conrfe. 6. When we linger after earthly tfJirJgs and' comforts->and wrap our fdves up in fleilily policy f0r eafe. 7· When 1ve tremble no{at Gods judge. ments) and threatnings., andat theJignes of them, with many fuch things. Where thefe difpo– fi'rions are. , wee need not wonder if wee find . not th~ comforts of Chrift, and of rhe Holy- . Ghofi in us, with the gracious prefcnce of his Spirit ; the caufe is in our fdves. Butfecurity bath been at large fpoken of before, where the Churches .fleep was handled ; therefore the -point {hall not be here inl~rged, bur only Come ufe m:tde of it~ as may ferve for the pre– fem purpofe.. . . If Chrifi lhould take away the comforts that we , ________________________________ ,