Sibbes - Houston-Packer Collection BX9339.S5 B6 1641

·I 1openedto my Belo-ved,&c. we enjoy, and remove hirnfelfe, and his dwel– ling from us (for he is now yet among us, and knocks at our doores) dee we not give him jufi caufe to depart -: what a fpirit of flumber pof– fdfeth us)which will be awaked with nothing to fc.·eke after Chrifi: -: how few lay hold upon God, prdfe upon him, wrefile with him by . prayer, to hide rhemfelves before the evill day come, as they fhould doe~ Therefore if Chrifi have abfented him{elfe a long time from the Church in generall, and withdrawne the corn– fort and prcfence of his ordinances; an9 in par- 'ticular withheld the fweet comforts of our fpi– rits, and our peace, fo that we fee him in the con– trary fignes of his difpleafure and anger, as if he did not regard and refpetl: us,we have given him 1jUfi: cau{e fo to doe. "flee fee here how the \Church ufed Chrift, and fo doe we with the like l fecurity, and a fpirit of flumber, with unkind– ne1fe, notwithfianding all the provocations that Chrifi: ufethto win us; he leaves us not,untill he be left firfl:,for he defires to have nearer acquain– tance,communion ar.d fellowf11ip with the foul; )as we have feene in the former verfe, My Love, \~Y Dove,my Vndefi!ed,open to me,&~. Theref<?re 1 tf we doe -not enJoy more acquamtanc~ With j 1 Chrifr thenwedoe,and walke more in thecom– ifortsofthe Holy-Ghofi:, it is meerly fiom our 1our owneindifpofition and fecuriry ; therefore let us cenfure our felves in this kind, and not call Chrift aneaemy,as ifhe had forgotten,and God had forfaken. Take hec<i offuch a fpirit ofmuro R 2 muring : ·~ The beft way to rer;ovtr f}irlta · . a/J comfort.