Sibbes - Houston-Packer Collection BX9339.S5 B6 1641

\ 244 / , MyBelorvedput inhishand,&c. I ISa R.Ix:- muring : If fuch a fiate befall us,let us labourco i lay out· hand upon our mouth, and to juftifie 1\ Chrill:. It is jull: with thee thus to leave me, to , gfve me over to this terrour, to deale thus\vith I me, that have dealt fo unkindly with thee; (o to j jull:ifte God, and accufe our feives., is the bell i way ro recover fpirituall comfort. 1 Obforv.j, Well, for the third point, That howfoever cbrijl 6:e provoked hy the Ch~rcbGS ingratitude' drowjineffi~ and carelefe .carriage, to leave her i-n regtJrdofher feeling, and ofinwt~rd comfort. Yet notwithjland;ng he is fo !,1'Miotu, tU to leavefome– tbing hehindloim,that Puwes indeed, that ha had not left the chureh altogetber,/;,~t onely in (ome regard. For howfoever Cqrill: (in regard of fome order of hisprovidenc~) Je~lVe it ; yet in regard of an61therorderof hisprovidence, careand m~rcy, he doth not leave ir, fo as oneway wh ich hee t?kes muft fomt imes give place to another way ofhis working in ordering things. Sorr:etimes he is prefem inawayofcomfort, tbac is oneorderof his difpenfarion .; and when he fees that that is negleCl:ed, then he withdrawes his camforrs,and hides his gr:tcious countenace;yer he is thenpre fent ftillinanother order and way, though wee difcerne it not, that is, in a way ofhumbling the· foule,lettiogit fee its linne: So here~ howfo::ver Chrifi had withdrawn himfelfe in regard ofr his manner of his dealing,in refpecr ofcomforr, the Church did not nowfee hisgrace}favour,yet he left behind himaSpirit ofgrace,toaffect her heart with ·griefe, farrow., and fhame , and to fiiL