Sibbes - Houston-Packer Collection BX9339.S5 B6 1641

--M(' hamls dropt with tnJ'rrh,&c, 24' fl:ir up her endeavours to feekeafter him (as iris S BR .IX. faid hereo)lrofe to open to my Beloved,6tndmy hands drbpt myrrh, andmy fingers fweet fmeOing myrrh, upon the handles ofthe locks. Here obferve theferhree things, which fitlll be briefly named,becaufe they fuall be touched elfewhere. Chrift.s gr11tt i5 t!:Je ca~{e oj1t1rgrMe. O/;[trv. He firfl: leaves myrrh, and then her fipg.ers drop myr~h ; our oyle is from his oyle) the head~eing anuinted, the oyle r11nne downe to the Pfal.q).,. ;kirts of ,l..fiarons garment ; out Dj' htsfulne(fewe & 36. 9 • receive grace for grace; that is, our grace is anIoho~,xcs. fwerable to the grace of Chrifl: ; we have all from him, jttvour for his fovoHr, becaufe he is /;e/oved, we are ~el8ved; we have the grace of Sanliification from him, he was fan&ified with theSpirit, therefore we are fand:ified; we have Grace of eriviledgefor his Grace, he is the Sonne . of God , therefore we are Sonties ; Hee is the :'heire ofHeaven,thereforewe Are beirts ; fothat of his .grace it is wee receive all., whether we . take grac~ for fovour,, or forthegrttceo{Sttne1i– jict~tiim,orthegra.ce ofPriviledgellndPrerogative, I all our graces are from his 1 OIIT myrrh ftom hil myr_rh. - . Tbis fhould teach us, the necdiity of9epen.. dance upon Chrifi:; for whatfoever we have or would have ; which dependance upon Chrifi is the life of our life,the fouleofour foules. I Ag·aine ohferve from hence, that the Chur- \ ' f ches fingers dr.opp~d myrrh when fhe opened 1 R 3 ' the.