1 , 471 I _:o-_._ He fe:d~th among ~h~Lill~es_, __ .) :l tt.XX. i atton ts the creat.mg of a thmg aaew : fo he re– )ftores my foule, he gives me my foule anew with frdh comforts : Thus the bldfed Shepheard doth,and how ~ Becaufe, he feeds amcng the Lil– llies, rhepromifes oftbe Gofpell ; then he doth \not only doe good ro the body a:~ d foule; bllt he guides all our wayes)all our goings out, He leads tu inthepathsof Righteoufoeffi,and why~brcaufe I def(rve fomuch at his hands .No,for his owne name f3ke, b~caufe he hath a love to me, be– caufe be bath purchafed me with his·bioud,and given his life for his f11eep, hath bought me fo deare,though there be no worth in me. He goes on, though I walke through all t(mptations and trouMes, which are as the vt~iley ofthe fhadoJV of death, that is, where there is norhing bur difcon. folation4nd mifery ; yet I willfettre none ill, thou with thy roa and ftaffe do.ft comfort me. If I, as a wand ring !beep, venture togoe our of the way, thou out of thy care beir.g a fweet and loving Shepheard wilt pull me in with thy hooke and fiaffe againe, he bath not care onely to feed us, bur to governe us alfo. What a fweet Shepheard and Saviour have we in covenant that deales thus wirh us~ and fo he proceeds, thou wilt pre– pare my table i11 the prefence of mine enemies, and for the time to come he promifeth himfelfe as much that God as he hath been a Shepheard, (for the prefent) to provide all tblings necdfary ! 'for bodyand foule and guidance, fo furely the I goodneffe of the Lord !hall follow me a11 the dayes of my life, for he is a perpetuall Shepheard, ~