_ He./eedetbamongthe LiUies, 47~ ) ·heard, he will not leave us till he harh brought SE R .XX. usroHeaven. Thus we fee in chis place the fweer care of Chrifi. The like place you have, l_(a.4o r r. He jl;al! / fieri his flocke ltke 11 Shepheard, hejlJd!f.sather the · L,zmhs with hts armes, ar;dcarry them in his 6ofome, and}hall gently letldthofe that are with young: So he leads them into rhe pafiures and feeds them plentifully and fweetly, not one)y wirh fweet things, bmwith a tender care, which is fweeter. As,.a Shtpheard he takes into his bofome the poore Jambs that cannor walkethemfelves, and rhe lheep that are heavy wirh young, he cares for rhemJ he gently leads them that are poore., we-ake Chriftlans that fhuggle and conflitt with many temptations andcorruptions, C~rilt bath atender care ofrhem, he carries them(as , it were) in his bofome and in his armes, and leads them gently; for indeed ~111 Chrifis ilieep are weake, ev~ry one hath fomewhat to com– plaine of, therefore he hath a tender care, he feeds them tenderly and.fweetly, or elfe they might perifh., . Another place (notable for this purpofe) fee Ezek.34·.r4. wherein you. have th~ fame me– taphorfrom a loving Shepheard ; and it is· but a comment upon the Text; therefore beingpa– raJell places they may helpourm_emories:/ wilt ' fled them in good pAjlures upon the hig/; mount4inuof l{rt~el, there }ht~ll their fold he, there jball · they lyein 11goodjitld,in 4 fit pafture,Iwill feedmy jlocke ami cauft thtm to lye downe, faith the Lor,/. · Ged, •