J 474 He feedeth among ,he LiUies. I \ I I 1 that which w..u driven ~C11MJ, I will bind up that wbictJ was broken 1 and_flrengthen that whic.h u Jicke, anddejlroy thefat andthtftrong,andfeed them with judgemmt. Thofe that areChri!l:s true ilieep have fomewhat to comp1Sline of,eicher they are !icke, ! or broken, or driven away, fomewhat is amiffe \ or other; but Chri!l:s care prevemeth all the ne~ ceffities of his {Qeep, he hath a fir f:1lve for all ' their [ores: And (toapply this to thebufin d fe in hand) doth not Chriil: fted us among the L,il– 'lies':'doth he not now feed us with his own bod'y and bloud in the Sacrament ':' would you have better food ~ My body i5 m~at indeed,andmy 6/outl u drinke indeed, thar is,it is the only meat ( wirh an Emphafis) the onely meat and drinke that our foules could feed upon, God gave his Sonne to I death to ilied his bloud for my finncs. What would become of the hunger- bitten , tbirfly fonle that is !tong with Satan and his temptati~ ons,were it not fort he bloud ofChrill: to quench our thir!l: and the body of Chrifi given by the Fatherto death for fin,were it not th:u the fouk could thinke upon this,wherewere the comfort of rhefo~le ~ All this is reprdenred to us here in the Sacrament, we feed on the body and bloud of Chrifi: fpirituall y, and are t·efrdhed thereby, as verily as our bodies are refrefued with che bre~d and wine. For God doth not feed u; with empty fymbols and reprefentations, but with things tl'rem{etves, that the foule which comes prepared b'y Faith,is partaker ofChrift crucified, \