)__.., --He feedethamongthe LiO~(S. , . 471 \ ed, and is knit to him thongh now in Heaven; S 1!. a.XX. l there is as fure an union and communion be- ·~ twe~n Chrifl and the Chrifiian foole~ asthet'e is : · b~tween the food and the body when it is once d1gdled. . Therefore let us ·come to this bldfed, to this fweet food ofcur foules with hungry appetites, and thankfull hearts thac ~od hath given us the befi comforts of his Word, and fed us with the . fweet comfort of the Sacraments, as a Seale of the Wol'd.We iliould even fpendom lives much in thankfulndfe to God for this,that he will feed us fo fwectly,thatthinksnothing-isgoodenough 1 for our food, but his owne felfewith his owne I gracious Word and Truth. Thus we thou1d be ·very thank. full unto God, and now at this time labourtoget hungryappetites fit for thisbldfed 1 food to r(!ceive it. How JluzUwedoeth4t? - · · Ho'¥!1toget Thinke fnioufly of.the former part of thy h~ngryappeI ·~ d h. k fl F Ch ·11 h r: d f tttertothesahe,an t ts wee <:pat[ : or nu(t e xoo o cramenr. rhe foule) relifheth well with the fowre herbsof x. Repentance. Let us fiir up inour hearts.Repen- To tbinke ferir: fi d r . • h ~d oujly ej former ranee ror our wnes,an 101 row m t e conn era- and prijenr finr tion of our owne corrupt nature and life, and · i when we h_ave feJr our corruprions,3ndhave the fenfe ofour want, then Chrifi will be fweet to us,the P~tfcha!l Lambwas robe eaten with fowre herbs, fo ChrHl: our Paffeover muf, be eaten with Repentance. Thenwithafl there muG: hepurging, there are h 2 • many things which clog the fi:omacke, come ~ur;:r;wft Le I Hh nm