Sibbes - Houston-Packer Collection BX9339.S5 B6 1641

\ 471. He fiedetb t~mong1he LiUies. ' S:a-a .XX. net with worldly, wicked, malidous affedions which puffe vp the foule, but l"J ~de' (as the hm.1.u.~ Apofile wifheth) t~U gui/e,mt~llceAnd foptrjluity, /! I Pc:c.~.~. empty the foule of all finne and prepoffeffing thoughts or affeCtions. 3· And then coofider.the necefiity of fpirituall c•fuJer ''~i ftrengtb,that we haveneed togrowup moreand :fc':!ft~:fn:tw: more inChriftianity, to be feeding fiill,we have need of ftroAg Faith and lhong affurance that Chrifi is ours,and that we are his. Let us often frequent this ordinance, and come prepared as , we fhould,and we flull find Chrift making good his owne ordinance,in his /ewne bell:- time: fo as we fhall be able to fay in truthof · heart experimentally and feelingly with the Cht~rch;t.My Belwedu.m;11e AndIamhu, het ftedetl9 Amung the LiUies. Jf lf i<