Sibbes - Houston-Packer Collection BX9339.S5 B6 1641

________ r._'b_e_ll_n_de_~_·=-------- - l Evill Company caufeth Chrifr ceitJof God and Chrifi, p.209 Jl toWithdraw himfelffromChriflianJ, p. J 3o, I 3 I Convert. Comfort. How tobe happy infiruments Comfort if not found in one meanes is to be fought in ano– ther, p.290 Confo/ftlfn, Conftfjion hQ'tloureth God,p. ; ~ 87 Confef(ion fhames Satan, ibid. Conftj]ion prevents malicious imputations from the world, p.SS Confofjion_gives eafe to the foul, p.88 Confoffion is a meanes of pre– fent delivery out of trouble, p.88 Crmfcience in a-Oeepy temper, how knowne to bee awake, p.I 10 Aftlided in Con(c:ience are n()t to Judge of themfelves by feeling but by what they are .in Chrifi, pJ9 f,I95 In the upbraidtngs of Confoi– ence Chrif.l:ians fbould as well looke on the good in them as ontheill, P·3'-3 Conceit!. Men are apt to frame falf! contoconvert others, p.401 Corruption, Corruption where it is not tbroughly purged and a carefull watch kept over the foule, there after a recovery will follow a moredangerous difl:emper, p:86 Correctirm. SeafonablecorreClion is an evidenceofChritlslove, p.17o Patience of God to us fhould make us patiently endure his corr~CiionJ, p. 1 6 I Coven;mt. Covenant of Grace comprifcth not onely what God will doe to us but our duty alfo we owe to him, · P·ii' (.reature• . All Crutt~r~rts are obedient to ChriO:, 1·7 j n every CrelltHre there are fome beames ofexcellency, page 3P D Defire, . Thedejire of Chrifis children after his prefence makes ChriH: vouchfafeit them, p. 37 The Church is carried fiom defJTc . ---- ---- ----.