------- ·---·------- ---·-.-·-·--- ·--· l . The lnde'l~ l ---------~- ----------------·-··---· -. I Excuft. . . P· ~ :n l NoE.wujCs~illfervetheturn) _ Fa1rcn~sof the Cht ·th from \ a~ the day of JLtdgen;en~ , but / whet~ce lt comts, . P: 3~I fuch as arife from an mvmc1bk Fmrenejfeofthc Church !S m– neceffity or unremovable impe- \ ward and hidden, P; 3a_ I diment, p.ll 8 • Chun:h nev-c:r more fmre m · Folly of thof..- .that f~tch E::- Chrifts eye_t,hen~when tbe jud– mfisfrom the thmgs of dus l!f.;; geth her fdfe mofl: deformd, to keep them from the duties of p.3 z I Relig10n, p.2 19 Feajil;c~' There is a rnutuall foafling be– twixt Cbriil: and his Cl1urch, exce!lr:nciu. ofChrifl:. ~ee . ChriH:. ExcellenciuofChri!l why !et forth by the Church,p. 3 88.&c. \ F Fathers, Ancient F flthers in all things not to.be relyc:don, p.97,98 FAith. P·7I Feaflings of Chrifr have been more fumptuous m fome·ages then in others, · p:so Feeding. -~· That 've need. feeding as well as breeding in Chrillianity, I , P·466 Why the foolc needs continuall feeding, p.467 Cbri!l: feeds his flocke plentifully and fweetly~ p.468 Fllith kept wakmg is a meanes to preferve our foule in awaking temper, . p.1 '3 Faith wtll carry a Chrifiian Fettre. through all difcouragements, I The ftare of God is ameanes . p.:a :9, z3o 1 to preferve the foule in·a waking F11ithas it receives lhrifr,fo it : temper, p. r 55 makes us give om fd ves to him againe, P·-1-40 Ft~l.J, F111J ofChrifiians not tE>be rejoyced in, p.272 F~tireneffo; SeeBulHty. . ChurchF11ire under difgraces, Fie/h. Excuf<:s of theF16/h tohinder communionwithChrifranfwe> red, 'p.2oi.&c. Flefo ·and bloud are not to be - confulted with:, P~" IZ Fr11-it-