Sibbes - Houston-Packer Collection BX9339.S5 B6 1641

\ \ / I am coma intomyGarden. - \ vedSpoufe,as it is,Ca»t.?.. r4. where chrift deli- (\ ring toheare the: voice: of his chun:h, faith, Let me fee t'hy counterhznce~ttndlet me hearethy voice;for J· fweet is thy voi~e, 1tt1d thy countenance is comely. 1 Thus the voice of theSfot~fe is (weet,becaufe it is j fiirr~d upbyhis owne Spirit, which burnes the \. Incenfe, and whence all comes which is favingly ,good. This ~ffe~ing up of our. pra~ers in the I name of Chn:ft, ts that whtch With hts fweet o- 1 dors per~un:esall o~r Sacrifices and Prayers, be- !! cauf~ bemgm the Covenant of Grace, God re– fpeds whatfoevercomes from us, as we doe tbe defircs of our near friends. And then again~,God heares our Prayer~,Bee4ufehe looks upon m d4 weare in elet1ion andchoice of Godthe Father .who hathgiven us to him. Not only as in the neare bond ofmarriage~ husband and wife; but ~lfo as he hath given us to Chrift, which is his plea unto the Father,Ioh. 17. 6. •rhine they were,thotJgt~ve.ft them me,&c. Theddiresof the Church plca!e him, becaufe they are fiirred up by his Spirit,and proceed from her that is his: whofe voice he delighrs to heare, and the pray- ,ers ofothers for his Church are accepted, be– caofe they are for her that is his Beloved. d. To con:firme this furth\r, fee I_fo.)8.9. Thou · 1 then jhalt cry,and the LordjluzUanfil'tr ) thcujhalt eaU, andpreftntly hefoa!lfay,Herc lam)&C. [o as foone asDaniel had ended that excellent prayer, the Angell telleth him, ' the betrinning of thy fopplict~tions the decree CAme forth,&~. So becaufe I! heknows what to put intoour hearts.he kno\ves our! -- -- l