Sibbes - Houston-Packer Collection BX9339.S5 B6 1641

----~--------~~~~~---- lamcomeintom} Garden.• '· 38 Saa. M. I. againeuntillhecame indeed to take our nature upon himneverto leave it againe. But here is meant,aJPiritu.cOprefencemofl of all ; whichthe Church in fome fort ever had : now deftres,and 1 Pfal.~). :z.. I heoffers,as being • Godhe•ringer•1er.And to ini fi:ance in one place for all, to fee how ready ~ Chrift bath alwaies been to {hewhis prefence to \' the Church upon theirdefire. What elf~is th·e r !Jurden. of the 107. P.folme, but a repetition of\. Gods teadinelfe to fbew his prefence in the ,Church,upon their feekingunto him, and unfai- ~ (nea deftre ofir, notwithftanding all their mani- · 1 I . fold provocations efhim to anger,which is well , fummed np,Pfol.Io6.4~·UUAny timesdiJhedeli- 1 ·ver them, hut they provokedhim with their &DNn(eUJ !,.nJw-er~hrought lowfor their iniquity.NeverJhetes, he regarded their AfjliCiiDnwhtn he he4rdtkeir cry . ·~ That the It cloth not content the Church to have akind c_hurcbu car- cf fipirituall prefenceof Chrift · but it tJ carried rteJfi'om defire • 1 .. J , todefire, lfromdefiretodefire,ulthewholedelirebeaccom1 plifhed:For,M thereAregr~tduaUprefences of ( IJrifl, l .fo there 4rt fotable defiretinthe Clturch whichrife by degrees. Chr!l: was prefent, hisgracious 1 \ , Spirit. And then,2.more gracioufly prefentin f his lnc~tt·r~t~tion, the fweetdl: time that eve·r the 1 Church had from the beginning oftheworld . j ' untill then. It being the defire if ntttions; for the ; l defcription of thofewho lived before hi~ eom- , ruing, is from the waiting for the confolatio» @j If : I rttel,that is?forth.e firfi commingo~Chrifi. And : i then there ts a thud and more glonous prefcnce : j ; of Chrifr,that all ofuswait fo r, whereby we :J rc j ___ --·~-·-- de!cri bed '1