Sibbes - Houston-Packer Collection BX9339.S5 B6 1641

40 \ lamcome intomyGarden. S B Jl "·I. tnem frorn earrbly,aAd eo fet a price upon them. Wben there is together with light, a heat above nature. The affections are kindled to love the bell: things,and to joy in them. And when together with hettte there u ftr~;Jgth ttndvigor to carry us toJjnritualt duties, framing us to a holy communion with God, and one with - anothet·. And likewife,when there iJ everyway cheerfiel· neffo and enlargement ofSpirit ~ as it is with the creature when thesunapprottc!uth.For thefeeau. fes the Church defires Chrifr,that !he may have more light, life, heate, vigor, firength, and that fhe may be more cheerfull and fruitfull in duG ties. The foule when it is once made fpirituall, doth fl:ill defireafurther and further prefence of Chrifi,to be made better and better. What a comfort is this to ChriA:ians, that they have the prefence of Chriftfo far forth, as {hall make them happy, and as the earth will af. ford.Nothing ~ut Heavm(or rather chriflinHetl 4 - -vcn) it felfe, wilJ content thechilde of God. In the meane time his prefence in the Congregation, . makes their foules (as it were) Heaven. Ifthe Kings pn£ence,whocarriesthe Courcwithh~m , . 'rba!'IP_bere makes all places where he is~ Court: So cbrijt Cbrifthzs pr!~ 'hecarries"' kinde ofheaven with him; whereflever {ent,t ere m:a·lh . h. ,r; h h . h . z;+:. l' h ,£ venu m(ome eu, H pre 1 ence at wtt tt·, t 1 -e, tg t, com1~rt, Jegtees. ljl.rength 4na 4ll. For one beame of his countelnance will fcatter al'l the clouds of griefewhat. 1 \foever.ltis no matter where we be,fo ChrHl: be .I Dln·l· ' \withus. Ifwith thethreechildren ina fiery fur- } · nace,