1 Iohn l o,17; tOtllltttlltt l ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ! ThefecondSermon. I . CANTo v.r. I amcotNt;lft6my GArden, my Sijler,my SpoNft :.:1 htwegAthereJmy Myrrh 111ithmyspice : I hne' gt~thertJmy honey·t~mhe withmy h6nty : I b~tve 1/runke my winewithmy milke : BAt o friends, ilrinke,yeadrinkeA6Hnd~twtly ,o /;e/oved.' His fong isamirror ofChrifts love, A difcovery of which we have in •-..r~ """'~"' partinthisverfe. Wherein Chrifi: accepts of the invitation of the LM~~~ ·Church, and comes intohis Garden ; and he entertain~s her with the termes of sijftrand spouft. Herein obfervethedefcription ofthe Cburch,3nd the fweet Compellation[My Sifler, my spouft.] Where thcreisbothaffinity · andconfanguinity, all thebonds that may tye us to Chrift,andChrifi tous. 1. His Si er,{; /;loud. 2~ i1 Spo• e, y M4rrr~ge. '· ChrHtfsour Brother, and the Church and every particulartrueme.mberthercofishisJi.fter. Igoe (faithChrifi) 'J'o my Father andto your Ftt– tker)tomy Gld#1111dt1yoHrG9a.Goe(faith he) and tefl , ----------------------------------------·