Sibbes - Houston-Packer Collection BX9339.S5 B6 1641

MySifier>my Spoufo. , 47 l whatfoever is ours:~ that is ill,bebath taken it Lip ~I. on him,even the wrath due tous;for hecame bel tween that and us, when he was made fin, and a, c.mfe for US!fO the re is abldied charge bet'ween 1 z Cor. 5· 21 , I Chtift aBd tlS shis Honours and Riches are ours: Wehavenothing tobtfiO'-'' on him,but ourbeg· I gery, finnesJ and miferies, which he·rooke upon him. Thofe thAt bring together theft two diffi!ent par3. ties )are the.friends of the Bride; thJt is,rheMini- \fiers,~s itis,IohrJ3.23·. They are theparanymp~i, 'Tbcdu~y of the frtends ofthe Bnde, thatlearne of Chnfi Mmifters. what to report tohisSpoufe ; and fo theywooe for Chdll:,andopenthe Riches,Beauty, Honor, and all thatis lovely in him,which is indeed the efpeciall duty of Minifiers, to lay open his un– fearchable Riches, that the Church may know what ahusband{he is like to have,iffhe cleave to him ; and what an one {he leaves, iflheforfake him. It was well faid in the Councell ofBajit out ofBernard)Nemocommittit Sponfam foamricario:, i mmoenimEccleji.e Sponfme.ft:None commits his wife to a Vicar, for none is the Husband of the Church. To be Husbandof the Church is one of the incommunicable Titles of Chrifi, yet ufluped by the Pope. lnnocentthethird was the firfi tha,t wronged Chrifis bed by challenging the Title of Spon(us) Husband of the Church. Bernard forbids his fcholler Eugenim this title, Epiif.Z37·adEugenietm. It is enough for Mini– fiers to be friends ofthe Bride. Let usyeddhim to be Husband of the Church, that bath given , him-