Sibbes - Houston-Packer Collection BX9339.S5 B6 1641

6o .A1y Sifier,my Spoufe. -, S:aaM.ll· fofbe{hall byhisgracebefaithfull tohim,faith– fulneffe fhall be mutual~-, the Church ili:1ll not · be falfe toChrift: fo.there is no Chrifiian foule j' mufl:thinke toh:lVe many husbands; for Chrifi in this cafe isa jealous husband.Take heed ther– fore offpirituall.harlotry of heart,for oqraffetti- 1 onsare for Chrift, and cannot be betterbefiow– ed.In other things we lofe Otlr love, and the things loved; but here we lofe not our love; but this is a perfecting love,which drawesusto love that which is betterthen ourfelves.Wearea~ we . a.lfd1,ourajfic7ionrare:tUthtirobje[fJ!Je: Ifthey be fer upon better thtngs then our felves, they That our affe· Clionr are like their ""Je{fr. are betteredby ir 3 they are never rightly befiow- . edbut when they are fet upon Chrill:'; and upon other things as they anfwer and fiand with the loveof Chrift.For,theprime love)when it ;sright· ly hefl_owed, it orders, tmd ·r~~ulates till bther l~ves- · whaifoever. No man knowes how to ufe earthly · things, but a Chrifi:ian that hath firft pirched his 'loveonChrifl:, then feeing all things in him,and in all ~hem'l be~me-of that loveof his,intending . happmdfe to htm, fo he-~nowes how to ufe eve- . ·ry thing in order. The,refore-let us keep our Communionwith Chrifi; and ·efieemenorhing morethen hislove,~~caufeheelloemes noth-ing more then ours. - ~~n. Bttt how ]ball we know·wh'ttberwe he efi·oufid tD . chrift or not? · , . .Anf'W.x ~ Our h:arcs can-tell us, wh.ether-weyeeld conHfhrl to ftno,. if fent to h1m or not. In· parucular, whether-we .,e be ~f}iU{eJ I have receiv~d him as .he will ·be ·received>' as a -~~~ Cbrt{t or /lllt.l . . right,