Sibbes - Houston-Packer Collection BX9339.S5 B6 1641

- \ we cannotanfwerone fora thoufand.What will SERM . 11. 1 become of us if we have not a husband to dif- ' chargeall our debts but ro be imprifoned for ever ~ Aperfon that is a ll:rangerto c ·hrifi,though he werean r....Achitophtl for his braine,a I'hdtU for his profeffion,a Saut for his place : y,et ifhis fins be fet before him; he will befwallow~dup ofdef– paire, fearing to be ihut up eternallyunder Gods wratb;therefore ifnothing elfe move, yet let ne· ceffi.ty compell us to take Chrift. · Confider not ondy how futableand how ne. ceffary he is unto tls, but what hope there is to have him, when as he fueth to us by his meffen– gers, and woeth us, when as we fhould rather feeke to him, and with othermeifengers fendeth a privy mdfenger,his Holy Spirit, to encline f>Ur hearts ; let us therefore as we love our foules, fuifer our felves to be won. But more ofthis in place. The next Branch is, 3. Chrifts 4cceptation,I 64veg4theredmy myrrh Chr_iflt accep. ! h . S h . h h " 11 tatlon. !. wit my Sptce)&c. o t at toget er with C rh tS prefence, here is agracio~U tt&ceptationof theproj _ vifion ofthe church,with• delight in it;and with· 1 1 all,a hringmgo{more with Him.The Church had 1 1 I, ladouble defire :- I. That Chrill: would come to accept of what the had for him of his owne Grace which he had wrought in herfoule. And I z. She was verily perfwaded that he would \ ! not coa1e em-pty handed,only tO' accept ofwhat \ 1 was there, but alfo wonld bring abundance of , I ., Grace and comfort with him. Therefore,Jbe de.. \ , t , •, •. E 3 _____ __ f!r__ es_l__..;;,_.______.....\