Sibbes - Houston-Packer Collection BX9339.S5 B6 1641

1 1ha'Tlegatheredmy Myrrh,i.1c . 1 ,., in a goad eftate, or elfe our foules will tremble Sa It M. II. upon any difc0veryofGods wrath. The guilty The di(cour(e· .confdence argues,what can God fhew tome,he- of~ gutltJ conr ingfuchawretch. The heart of fuch an one can- Jmr.ce. not but misgive; as where peace is tn3:tle it will fpeake comfort.It is faid of D.:miel,tfuathe was a man of Gods defires ; and of Saint John, that . Chrift fo loved-him,that he leanedon his brefl:. Every one cannot be aDAniel~nor one that leans' on Chrifisbofome. There are degrees offavour . and love ;but there isne childe ofGod,but he is beloved&accepteo of Aim in fomi degree; but ' fomething of this before in theformer chapter. : I havegatbtredmy Myrrhwithmy Spice; Ih14ve tAt enmyhoney-comhe withmy honey,&c. That is,Ihave takenContentmentinthy Gra– ces,together with acceptation, there is a delight, and Go-d' not only accepts; hut he delights in thegrA– ces sfhi4 children. All my delight(faithDavid)is in thofe that are excellent ; but this is .not all~ Chrifl: .comes with an.enlargement ofwhat he finds. Chrift comes, and comes notemptyl when– foever he eomes,but withabundanceof Grace. If- Saint Paul (whe was but Cluills inll:rument) . I could tell theRoma»es,I hope to c~me in, abun- RonM: $•z9. dancc ofGrace andcemfort,hecau(ehe.was:r bleffed inftrument to convey good fromChrill:to · the people of God, as a Conduit-pipe -: How much more iliall Chritl himfclfe, where he is prefent,comewith Gracesa.ndcomfort'! Thofe that have. communion with Chrill therefore, have ----------------~~------~----~----