Sibbes - Houston-Packer Collection BX9339.S5 B6 1641

...,.-- ( -Eat 0 friends, Drink• ; { ;- 71 I __ uuyrrhandSpi&e,honey 11ndhoney-comhe,milke: ~ . r. The fweetneffefof grace and SE RI Ill. l Which fl1ew) z. Thevariery · fpirituall 3• The !Jfe comforr. · UUy·rrhe.andSpices. r. refrefh the fpirics,and 2. preferve from putrefaCtion, 'Yhich are there– fore ufed inemb~lming. Ifthe foule be not em– b:llined with grace,it is anoifome carrion foule, andas it is in it felfe, fo whatfoever commetb from it is abominable. · U'vtilfeand Honey nourifu and fl:rengthen, and Wine increafeth fpirits, and thereupon encourah r Prov. 3t·.6, get ,and allayeth wrrowand cares. Gitt•tWine to him that is ready todye. The fence ofthe loveof Chriftis fweerrrthen wine, itbanitbeth fea.res, ~nd forrow and care. ! From this mutuall delight between Chrill: J . and his Spoufe,we obferve next,that, ~~ There iJ ttmututtUfiajlinghetwixt chrift ttndhis Chur•h. The Church bringeth what ilie hathaf i 1 hisSpirit,and Chriftcomeswi~h more plenty. F-or ther~ being fo n~ar a covenant be.tween him and us, we are by hisgrace to perfot'me all ·1 \offices on ourparr,we invite him,and heinviteth 1 us. T~ere is not the meanefi Chrifiian i~ / ithere 1snot ff>mewbat to welcomeChnll: With- / j jall; but Chrih: fends his provifion before, and I l 1 comes (aswefay)ttohisownecQfl:; hefendsa l j 1 1 fpirit of faith, a fpirit of love, a. fpirir ofobedi- i I· ence. Somearecontent to itwite others, bat are 1 ! loth to goe to others, as ifit were againfi·fiate: ! · 1 I they would have wherewith to entertainChritl, I fl • F hm , -....__ --------···------- ....... - ·---.....,.