Sibbes - Houston-Packer Collection BX9339.S5 B6 1641

------- --------- - Eat 0 friends,Drink• glory, and in ttfjlicfions~ and in God ours,. SE R. Ill. in.whom now by Chpll: we hav~ an mterefi. Rom,6.s.l,J. When we come forrowfnll ro this feafr, we de· 10 " ··part chearf~ll. This ·as Dtt~~Harpfiils all paf– fi'ons and d1ll:empersoffptnt. The founderand mafier of the feafi: is Chri£1: himfdfe, and withall is_ both guefi: and banquet . and all. Allgraces andcomfortsare the fruits of his Spirit,andhealone that infufed the foule,can . 1 fatisfie the foule;he that is above the confcience, can onlyquiet theconfcience,he isthat wifldome \that fends fortll maids, his Minifl:ers t:o invite to l'rov. 9 3· his feafi. It is he that clieerethup his guefi:s as here. Thofe that invited others, brought oyntment and powr~d itmlt upon them, tofhewtheir - welcome,and tocheare them up:as may appeare 1 . Luk·7·44· byour Saviours fpeech to the Pharifee that,invi- " ted him. So we have from Chrifr both the oyle I ofgrnce,andoyleofgladndfejl.n•crctttes the.fruits If a. 57 • 10 • ·of the lips to bept4ce,fpeakingrhat peaceand joy to theheart that others doe to the eare. He raifeth Ier.J.J S'· PAjfors ~tccordingtehu owne het~rt,to feedhu fheep. The·veffels wherein Chrifi conveyeth his ldainties,are,the minifieryoftheWordand I /ments, by the Wordand S4crttr»ents we come to I ienjoy. Chrifi, and his eomforti and graces, and . · bythts fea{\ of grace we come at leBgth ro the \ feaft offea!ls, that feafi of glory, whenwe !hall 1 be fatisfied with the image of Ged, and enjoy I fulneffe of pleafures for evermore ; and which addes rothe fulnetfe, we fhall fully know that it fl1lll ·be anever interrupted joy. : 1 F 3 We ! -~---