Sibbes - Houston-Packer Collection BX9339.S5 B6 1641

- -g~ Bat oftiends,Drinke, · ' Sn R . III. 1 us to take pa rt, and f~r our part fhe\v.our unwil . / . :lingneffe, th Jt fuch free kiodnefie ihould bere– fufed. We cannot honour his bounty more then to feed liberally of ~hat he liberally fets before us. We are glad to perceive our friends upon in– vitation to thinke themftlves welcome. Let us ~ op~n our mouth wide,_Gnce C~ri~ is _foready~o J . fill1t, we are not firetghtned m bts love,:.bur tn ' our own hearts.'Then'iadowes oylefailednot'tiUher vejds failed. ,We are bidden to delight in the Lord,and inwhom fhould we de!ighr,but where all fulneffe is ~o be had to delight in~ Ottr fpirits are not fo large as rhofe bleffed comforts are, which we are called to the enjoyment of. If the capacity ofour foules were a thoufand times lar– ger, yet there is fo large a fea -of comfort in ' Chrift, as they are not able to comprehend it :f.). ta!l:e of thefe good things breed joy &mjpeakable, andpeace thatp~~:/feth underffa11ding,what will the fulndfe'doe ~ This tafiewe feGle in the ordinan– ces will bring us to that fulndfe hereafter. 0 let us keep our appetite for thefe things which are fo delightfull,fofutable to the foule. Howgreat 1 is thatgoodnes which he both Iayes upfor here· -/afier,and layes out for his, even here in this life. j In fome ages0f the Church, the .feafis that ,Chrifi bath made have been more folemne and j :fumptuous th~n in other, thereafrer as ChrHl l 1 1 bath been more or ldfe clearly and generally (manife!l:ed.At Chrifl:s firfi comming was a 1 greaterfea£1: then before ; becaufe the riches of { ~Gods love in Chrift were then laid open ,and thei pale 1