Sibbes - HP S2575 .S5 1825

.~ND SMOKING FLA.X. 99 may be judge, " Are they not carnal? " 1 Cor. iii. 3. If it be wisdom, it is wisdom from beneath : " for the wisdom from above, as it is pure, so it is peaceable." Our blessed Saviour when he was to leave the world, what cloth he press upon his disciples more than peace and love? And in his last prayer, with what earnestness did he beg of his Father " that they might be one, as he and the Father are one?" But what he prayed for on earth we shall -only enjoy perfectly in heaven. Let this make the meditation of that time more sweet to us. 8. And further to lay open offenders in this kind, what spirit shall we think them to be of, that take advantages of the infirmities of men's spirits, to relieve them with false peace for their own worldly €nds. A wounded spirit will part with any thing. lVIost of the gainful points of Popery, as confession, satisfaction, merit, purgatory, &c. spring from hence. But they are physicians of no value, or rather tormentors than physicians at all. It is a greater blessing to be delivered from the sting of these scorpions,.than we are thankful for . Spiritual tyranny is .the greatest H 2