Sibbes - HP S2575 .S5 1825

_,./ 6 THE BRUISED REEDwhatsoever pretences sin maketh, yet bruising or breaking is the end of it); he is sensible of sin and misery, even to bruising, and, seeing no help in himself, is carried with restless desires to have a supply from another with some hope, -<'vhich, a little, raiseth him to Christ; though he dareth not claim any present interest of mercy. This spark of hope, being opposed by doubtings and fears rising from corruption, maketh him as smoking Flax; so that both these together, a bruised Reed and smoking Flax, .make up the state of a poor distressed man. Such a one as our Saviour Christ termeth "poor in spirit," who seeth . a want, and withal seeth himself indebted to divine justice, and no means of supply from himself or the creature. He thereupon mourns, and upon some hope of mercy from the promise, and the examples of those who have obtained mercy, is stirred up to hunger and thirst after it. This bruising is required before conversion, that so the Spirit may make way for itself into the heart, by levelling all proud, high thoughts, and· that we may understand ourselves to be what indeed