Sibbes - HP S2575 .S5 1825

AND SMOKING FLAX. 137 is little danger of snares below ; we lose our high estimation of things, before we can be drawn to any sin. 2. And because knowledge and affection mutually help one another, it is good to keep up our affections of love and delight, by all sweet inducements and divine encouragements. For what the heart liketh best, the mind studieth most. Those that can bring their hearts to delight in Christ, know n1ost of his ways. " Wisdom loveth then1 that love her.' ' Love is the best entertainer of truth, and when it is not entertained in the love of it, (being so lovely as it is) it leaveth the heart and will stay no longer. It bath been a prevailing way; to begin by withdrawing the love, to corrupt the judgment; because as we love so we use to judge. Therefore it is hard to be affectionate and wise in earthly things. But in heavenly things, where there bath been a right information of the judg1nent before, the more our affections grow, the better and clearer our judgments will be ; because our affections though strong, can never rise high enough to the . excellency of the things. We see in the Martyrs, wh€n the comforting doctrine of