Sibbes - HP S2575 .S5 1825

152 TilE BRUISED RE:KD (as corrupted) favours its own being, and will maintain itself against Christ's government. Nature (simply considered) cannot raise itself above itself to actions spiritual of a higher order and nature. Therefore a divine power is necessary to carry us above our own strength, especially in duties wherein we / meet with greater opposition. For there not only nature will fail us, but common grace, unless there be a stronger and a new supply. In taking up a burden that is weightier than ordinary, if there be not a .greater proportion of strength than weight, the undertaker will sink under it. So to every strong encounter there must be a new supply of strength; as in Peter, when he was assaulted with a stronger telnptation, being not upheld with a mightier hand, notwithstanding former strength, he foully fell. And being fallen, in our raisings up again, Christ must do the work, by removing or weakening or suspending opposite hindrances, and by advancing the power of his grace in us to a further degree than we had before we fell. Therefore when we are fallen, and ·by falls have gotten a bruise, let us