Sibbes - HP S2575 .S5 1825

AND SMOKING FLAX. 29 eth and cherisheth any thing that .was good in them, Rev. ii. and iii. Because · the disciples slept through infirmity, being oppressed with grief, our Saviour frameth a comfortable excuse for them, "the spirit is willing, but -the fle~h is weak," Matt. xxvi. 41. If Christ were not merciful he would miss of his own ends ; there is mercy with thee that thou mayest be feared. Now all are willing to come under that banner of love which he spreadeth over his. " Therefore to thee shall all flesh come," Psalm lxv. He useth moderation and care, " lest the spirit should fail before him, and the souls which he hath made." Christ's heart had compassion, the text saith, when he saw them without meat, lest they should faint : much more will he prevent our spiritual faintings. IIere see the . opposite disposition between the holy nature of Christ, and the impure nature of man. Man for a little smoke will quench the light : Christ we see cherisheth even the least beginnings. I-Iow did he bear with the many imperfections of his poor disciples '! If . he ~harply checked them, it was in love, ~nd