Sibbes - HP S2575 .S5 1825

30 THE BRUISED REED that they may shine theĀ· brighter. Can we have a better pattern to follow than his by whom we hope to be saved?" We that are strong ought to bear with the infirmities of them that are weak," Rom. xv. 1. " I became all things to all men, that I might win some,'' 1. Cor. ix. Oh that this gaining and winning disposition were more in us! Many, so far _as in us lieth, are lost for want of encouragement. See how that faithful fisher of men, St. Paul, labours to catch hisjudge, " I know thou believest the prophets," Acts xxvi. and then wisheth him all saving good, but not bonds; he might have added them too, but he would not discourage one who made but an offer. He would therefore wish Agrippa only that which was good in religion. Careful was our blessed Saviour of little ones, that they might not be offended. How cloth he defend his disciples from the malicious imputations of the Pharisees? How careful " not to put new wine into old vessels," Matt. ix. 17. not to alienate new beginners with the austerities of .religion, as some do indiscreetly. Oh, saith he, they will have time to fast when I