Sibbes - HP S2575 .S5 1825

MATTI:IE'V XII. 20. A. BRUISED REED SHALL HE NOT BREAK, AND SMOK£NG FLAX SHALL HE NOT QUENCH, TILL HE SEND FORTH JUDGMENT UNTO VICTORY. PART I. CHRIST WilL NOT BREAK THE BRUISED REED. THE prophet Isaiah, being lifted up and carried by the prophetical spirit, passeth over all the time between hi1n and the appearing of Jesus Christ in the flesh, and seeth with ·the eye of prophecy and with the eye of faith, Christ as present; and presenteth him in the name of God to the spiritual eye of others in these words, ' ' Behold n1y servant whom I uphold, mine elect, in whom my soul de·- lighteth; which place is alleg~d by St. B