90 THE BRUISED REED whereupon those in the church that are damned, are self-condemned before. So that here we need not rise to higher causes, . when men carry sufficient cause of their own damnation in their own bosoms. And the best of us all may offend against this merciful disposition, if we be not watchful against that liberty which 011r carnal dispositions will be ready to take from it. Thus we reason.-' If Christ will not quench the smoking flax, what need we fear that any neglect of our part can bring us under a comfortless condition? If Christ will not do it, what can? n You know the apostle's prohibition notwithstanding, ' ' Quench not tile Spirit,'? 1 Thes. v. 19. These cautions of not quenching, are sanctified by the Spirit as means of not quenching'. Christ performeth his office in riot quenching, by stirring up suitable endeavours in us. And none more solicitous in the use of the mea:ns, than those that are most certain of good success. The ground is this.-The means which God bath set apart for the effecting of any thing, that falls under the same purpo~e that he hath to bring that thing