Sibbes - Houston-Packer Collection BX9318.S45 L5 1638

CAr.Í1.}ugifid 41. the.rt. andour handy h,wve:handled the Ward.of¿ife that..' declare soyou : So, that hewas Godna.ife,t irz thefiefb,.and he fhewedhimfel etobe ttie;Wordof Life ,.to-thofe that werehis Apofle43;1Difçi -; pies, andthole that wereconverted .by,h im As we. S. Peter, when he had felt bis Divine Pow,- ower, upon his .heart by his Preaching; Lord (faythhe ); thou haft the words u f etçrnall: life whi- ther gall ? He felt theSpitit it, his preach. Má ing. And foanother time; S. peter, iníi?atth.ió. Ns con fefï'ed him tobe thesomeofthe living God. ou fee towhom he wasjufiffed,anddeclared to be the trueMegat, to beQodas well as man, by h is spirit Ch;ittju tiecá The reafon .vvl?y he jufl fed.himfelfe tobe fo, himíclfee. it was the more to ftrengthen our Faith; allbis To ftrergtherr Miraçles , wereknit fómany fparkles ofh is Di.- our Faith. vine Nature, famanyexpref onsofhts Diviné Power. And after= hewas ray fed from thedead, 'athis .A fcenfion,and fendingoftheHoly,Ghofli,' he .flier ed his' Divine Power more glor;ioufly; Z and all to ftrengthen.the Faith ofthe Elea, and To flop op toe to flop the. mouthes of all impudent rebellious. gaine-fayers. . perEons :.For,confrdering that he wrought fuch Miracles, that he rayfedmen from thedead; and rayfed himfelfe, that he eälled'the Gentile'; andconverted theWorld, by.theMini- fterie of .weake men; he Chewed, that heewas more then a man. Weil ;tomake force ufe of this, thatChrift was the Spirit.' Then r