Sibbes - Houston-Packer Collection BX9318.S45 L5 1638

0,4 jufIled in the Spirit 4. Then firftofall, Chrift will at length juflifie himfelfe; this is a ground ofFaith. How-ever he be nowas a Signe fet up, that many fpeake againf}, and centradi& ; yet the timewill come, when he will glorioufly juitifie hirnfelfe to all the World.Now fome (huttheir eyes willingly, and the oppofites ofChrift feeme to flourish'; yet Chrift will be justified by hisspirit to all his Eles, in every'Age,efpecially in:the Refurre ti-' on: For, when he 'ball 'come' and appc e to'be gli.' riour inhts saints, it will áppeare. Who.- he is III- deed. Now he fullers many to tread upon his Church , and hefuffers manyHeretikes todenie him, fömetimes inone nature,fometimes'in ants= ther, and fo to offendagáinft'hihi but thedine will come that hewill trample All his enemies under his °feet; he will'be juf ißed by his spirit, that is our comfort.. There are many Schifma- tikes,andHeretikes,and Perfecuters; but fl will be jufified at length, the Kingdomes of the, Earth wilt be the Lord lefty Chrifts. Are they not nöw fo ? They are : but truly they appearenot to be fo; but., at length, they will appeare tobe fo :at the conversion `ofthehires , and thecon fusion of cíintichrift, then it'will appeare more and more, thathe isKingofthe World indeed. Now (as it were) his Offices aredarkened ; bis Kingly Office is darkned, and his Propheticall (Mice is darkned: butat length it will appeare, that he is King of the Church ; and all King- dc:mes will be Chris}s. There are glorious rimes commiiig -especially the glorious Day oftht G4 Re- 79 Vfel. f Clsrïíi will jufìifie himúlf at lcngch.