Sibbes - Houston-Packer Collection BX9318.S45 L5 1638

Cbrl1juj1i ledin theSpirit. with, not worthy to be regarded ; we (hill -be juJP;frd, and cleared, and glorified, efpecially at thatday, whenchrift(hallcome tobegloriouslyhis saints. There is a hidden life ofthe Church, and evc}y Chriftian ; they havea life 'in Chrift, but that life is hid inChrifi, inHeaven. As the Flow- Simile. ers in Winter , they have a life, but it ishidden in the root; when Chrift Jhallappeare, as blefred S. Paul and S. lehn fay, then it fhall appeare :rho ware : Thenourgloriotu life, that now is inour Head , (ball arpeare ; then we (hail be jufiífed to be fo glorious `, as the Scripture Pets us forth to be; the ,Church (hall be glorious within and without too, at that Day. Therefore , let us comfort our felves; this hidden life, though it appeare not now, yet we (hall be juftifed. Andhence we mayanfwer force objetions like- wife. Some may fay, How cloth it appeare , that Chrift is Kingof the Church ? We fee how the Church is trampled on at thisday.Whete is the hfe andgloryof theChurch? What: his spoufe, and thus ufed ? What ! his Turtle, and thus pul- led andplucked by the Birds ofprey ? I anfwer : Looke with other Spe&acles, with the eye ofFaith, and then you (ball fee a Spring; inthe Winter oftheChurch ; how -ever (he be now abafed andeclipfed, 'yet fl:e (ball be jufti. fed; and it will appeare, that Chrift regards his Church; and people, and chìldren,morethen all the World befides; onely, there mutt be a conformitie. fit; objeFf. Aryí'wer.