Sibbes - Houston-Packer Collection BX9318.S45 L5 1638

Chris`t feene of Angels. 1 o; Likewife, it may comfort us in all our extre- Comtwt ita mitieswhatfoever,in all our defertions: the time affi"ton. may come, beloved, that wemay bedeferred of theworld, and deferteelofour friends; we may be in fuch fhaits, as we may hate no body in the world necre us. Oh,but ifaman bea true Chri- flian,he bath God and Angelsabout him alway. A .Chriflian is a King, he is never without his Guard, that invifible Guard ofAngels.What ifa man haveno body byhimwhen hedies,bur God and his goodAngels,tocarry his foule toHeaven, is he neglected?,Every Chrifaian,ifhebath none elfewith him,he bath God, the wholeTrinities and the Guard of Algels, to helpe andcomfort him; and to conveyhis foule to the place ofhap_ pinefe. Therefore, let us never defpa ire , let us Dever be difconfolate; whatfocver our condition be,we.(hall have God and good Angels with us inall our (traits and extremities. Goe thorow all the pafíages ofour life, we feehow read ieweare to. fall into dangers. .1n our infancie,inour ten- engc1 carei,i deryeeres ,we ale committed to their cuflod ¡e: ourutfancie. after, in our dangers, they ? pitch their Tentsa- Indangcr. bout us , as it is pfti, 34. The Angels of the Lord, pitch their Tents, about thofe that flare the Lord. In our converfion they rejoyce ; There ss joy in by at our Heaven at the converfionofafnner. - At the houre Converfiun. ofdeath, (as we fee in Lazarus) they are rea- Thcy cirry die to convey our foules to the place òfbap- ,ourfoulasto pineffe, Lazarus foule carryedby ,Angels into Heaven. Abrahams lofonte, At the Rcfurreftion, they (hall gather our dead bodies together; it is the office: